
The Mighty Platelet!

  Platelets are little cells that scan the bloodstream looking for rogue cells and invaders to target and destroy. They are an important part of our immune defense. Usually clotting a cut in the skin is all they get credit for. It turns out they are big players, regulating inflammation and infections This is what they do: 1. Inflammation Managers: Inflammation is the body's natural response to injury or infection. Platelets are among the first cells responding to sites of tissue injury and infection. When tissues are damaged, platelets are attracted to the injury to form a plug, preventing blood loss. Additionally, they recruit other signaling chemicals: cytokines and chemokines. This is how platelets manage to modulate other immune cells arriving in the problem area. Platelets will interact with white blood cells specific to infection, called neutrophils and macrophages. This bolsters the immune cells effectiveness to surround and destroy any and all bad guys.  2. Bacterial Defens

Stem Cells for Traumatic Brain Injury - Brain Scan


What is Homeopathy?

  What is Homeopathy?   Imagine a world where there are two ways to heal the body. One is to listen and observe the problem, then figure out what to do to it to fix it, and the other is to listen and observe then provide what the body needs to heal itself.     "similia similibus curentur" is commonly used in the sense of " all diseases should be treated by similar drug diseases " For 200 years Homeopathy has been healing the body from the inside out by matching the healing stimulus to the wellness problem. Curing the illness comes from within. There is not one cure that comes from new medicine. Applying and prescribing drugs, removing parts, redirecting plumbing might serve to relieve symptoms or cover up underlying issues, but only the body is responsible for healing itself.    How does a remedy match an illness? I think physics can explain some of this. Everything has a vibration, and energy signature to it. We know that we can cancel out a wave with another w

The Benefits of Ozone Therapy

  The Benefits of Ozone Therapy During ozone therapy sessions it’s administered directly into the body. It can be injected into arteries, specific muscles, the skin, rectally, or intravaginally. Because the administration routes are so flexible, ozone therapy can be used to improve the overall health or target specific parts of the body. The oxidation process breaks down and eliminates toxins. But, when the body doesn’t have enough oxygen to properly perform this function, there is a build-up of toxins that can result in ill health. Ozone therapy has been used to alleviate a number of health concerns. The benefits of ozone therapy  are numerous and include: Improved circulation. Increased release of oxygen from the blood so it can be used by the tissues. As a natural and safe antiseptic that can eliminate bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It increases the production of acetyl CoA, which enhances detoxification. Acceleration of glycolysis in red blood cells, which is the breakdown of glucos

Mixing Ozone into the Blood

 MAH = Ozone and Blood mixed together for an IV Major Auto-Hemotherapy (MAH) is the injection of ozone gas from an oxygen tank and blood drawn from a person's arm. The ozone is allowed to mix with the blood for a period of time, then it is infused back into the same arm (only one needle required for the whole process). The ozonated blood will be a much brighter red color than the drawn blood because the blood has been super oxygenated. When ozone is mixed with blood, it destroys any pathogens and modulates the inflammatory signals (cytokines). MAH is a specific, medical procedure that must be performed by properly trained, medical professionals in accordance with strict protocols and an IV specialty license. When properly performed, MAH is comfortable, safe, and effective. It has a cumulative effect so that each treatment builds on and enhances the effects of previous treatments. What are some benefits of MAH? • Stimulates the production of white blood cells and increases the produ

Make it Simple: Personalized nutrition

Who has time for follow through in such a busy life? Nutrient recommendations can be overwhelming. I have people asking all the time if they have to take so many vitamins every day. There is a way to simplify, just keep reading. Are you tired of opening so many vitamin bottles every day? Is it hard to follow your nutritional program? Do you wish you could customize packs to meet your needs? Dr. Doreo can customize a med-pack of vitamins through her site at Wholescripts. Feel free to take a look at the offerings on Wholescripts, using the link below. Open one to three packs a day instead of all those bottles! No gall bladder? No problem. One of life's biggest challenges after losing a gall bladder is absorption of the healthy omega fatty acids/oils. A predigested fish oil is available to ensure absorption of healthy fats to protect the brain, heart, hormones and skin.  Register for a nutritional consultation, lab tests, or call for a phone/zoom visit. (805)777-7184 Check out Dr. Dor

EBOO is coming - should you be ready?

E xtracorporeal  B lood  O xygenation and  O zonation (EBOO) Therapy is a specialized blood filtering treatment that allows for the reduction of chronic inflammation. It positively impacts the quality of life and performance, as inflammation is present in all diseases. EBOO/RHP ( R ecirculatory  H æmo p erfusion) therapy can be used as an adjunct treatment for relief of symptoms from conditions such as: Autoimmune related diseases Cardiovascular disease Diabetes Bacterial and viral pathologies Lyme disease Brain fog Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia Inflammatory diseases Mold exposure Sleeping difficulties The EBOO treatment improves blood flow, cellular healing and cellular oxygen utilization. Clinical studies suggest that EBOO activates an immune response to infectious disease by stimulating it to kill viruses, fungi, and pathogenic bacteria. It also improves the utilization of oxygen within the cells, which reduces poor blood flow in cardiovascular diseases. And, it releases growth facto