
Showing posts from September, 2024

The Mighty Platelet!

  Platelets are little cells that scan the bloodstream looking for rogue cells and invaders to target and destroy. They are an important part of our immune defense. Usually clotting a cut in the skin is all they get credit for. It turns out they are big players, regulating inflammation and infections This is what they do: 1. Inflammation Managers: Inflammation is the body's natural response to injury or infection. Platelets are among the first cells responding to sites of tissue injury and infection. When tissues are damaged, platelets are attracted to the injury to form a plug, preventing blood loss. Additionally, they recruit other signaling chemicals: cytokines and chemokines. This is how platelets manage to modulate other immune cells arriving in the problem area. Platelets will interact with white blood cells specific to infection, called neutrophils and macrophages. This bolsters the immune cells effectiveness to surround and destroy any and all bad guys.  2. Bacterial Defens