Ozone Gel for Better Health
Recently, a novel approach to clearer skin and stronger teeth was popularized on the heels of ozonated oils for a multitude of self-care uses without the stickiness and odor of the oils. I think ozonated glycerin might eventually replace the ozonated oil industry altogether. ➡️Dr Doreo’s website for more information⬅️ And, we make O3G at the office. Why? This article written by a colleague explains it all: Will Ozonated Glycerin Be The Miracle Product of the Future? JANUARY 6, 2025 Ozone infused oils have been used medicinally and cosmetically for many years, however, in recent days, ozonated glycerin has been the hot topic. There are a lot of questions to be answered about ozonated glycerin including what it is, why it's gaining popularity and whether it will be a product that lives up to the hype. In this article we'll cover: What is Glycerin? How is Glycerin Used? Who Started Ozonating Glycerin? How is Ozonated Glycerin Used? Why is Ozonated Glycerin Gaining in Popu...